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Consumer Behavior and Its Constitution

Consumer Behavior, i.e. Customer Behavior, refers to the action of acquirement, use and disposal of goods and services, including the decision-making process in advance that determines the above-mentioned process.


Research Method for Consumer Behavior--- the Fishbein Model

What Fishbein Model reveals is that human emotion, though remaining under subconscious at times, has strong correlation with human behavior. The explicit behavior is dependent upon one’s intention, and vice versa, one’s invention is directly driven by the emotion (attitude). Therefore, without emotion, there would be no consuming behavior.


Research Method for Consumer Behavior--- Ideal-Point Model

Ideal-point model asserts that each customer has an ideal point. The more close the product characteristics is towards the ideal point, the more likely the product would be customer’s target. Take the area of commercial residential building for example, a consumer may want an apartment of area close to 150 ㎡, and they will find it unsatisfying if it’s too big or too small.


Customer Behavior and Its Constitutions

In the process of customer behavior research, usage and attitude research (U&A) is the key subject. With the U&A model, not only are companies able to measure the market status, current consumer and competitor status of the measured products accurately, but they can better understand customer behavior and features as well. Therefore, the research result will serve as guidance for the next step of company market strategy and promotion.


Key Points of Consumer Behavior Questionnaire Design

The design of consumer behavior questionnaire normally concerns the following key indicators and information, such as features, consumption habits and attitude preference analysis of current, potential and targeted customers.


Consumer Decision-Making Process and Influencing Factors of Behavior

The enterprise manager and marketing personnel should understand not only various influence factors that may have on consumers and their purchasing pattern, but also be clear of the consumer decision-making process, so as to take actions to reach the company marketing target.


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